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Alder Brook Plus

Alder Brook+ is a specialist provision for up to 16 pupils in Key Stage 1 & 2 who have an Education Health Care Plan with Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) as their primary area of need.

The aim of the provision is to support pupils in reintegrating back to mainstream settings, where it is appropriate. Some Alder Brook plus pupils may still require a high level of provision and transition to other specialist provisions by the end of year 6.Alder Brook+ offers a safe, nurturing environment following the National Curriculum with a bespoke approach on the curriculum to order to meet the needs of the pupils.

The school endeavours to achieve academic progress for every pupil through individualised planning, differentiated teaching, on-going assessments and end of term assessments. Each pupil accesses daily interventions to support their progress in the core areas of the curriculum.