Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and expect all staff, as well as visitors to share this commitment.
Miss Di - Pastoral & Safeguarding Lead
Miss Jones - DSL & Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs Livesley - Deputy Head Teacher
Mr Caldwell - Head Teacher
Have a worry or concern about a child's safety?
Speak to one of your dedicated safeguarding leads; we are always here to listen and help.
Safeguarding children is the responsibility of all adults at Alder Brook PPC.
Alder Brook PPC is part of Operation Encompass. This protocol ensures that incidents of domestic violence that occur in the home of any of our children that come to the attention of the Police, are recorded in school and the impact on the child and family is considered by the lead person at school. Mrs D. Thompson is the lead person for 'Encompass'