Ofsted conducted a short inspection on the 26th June 2019. The visit was the second short inspection carried out since the school was judged to be good in October 2012.
The school continues to be good.
- The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.
- The school has demonstrated strong practice and marked improvement in specific areas which may indicate that the school has improved significantly overall and it is recommended that the next inspection is a section 5 inspection.
- You lead a warm, caring and welcoming school.
- Pupil’s best interests are at the heart of everything that you do.
- You have a clear vision for your school – that pupils will make good academic progress.
- Teachers have high expectations for all pupils.
- At the time of the last inspection you were asked to develop the skills of the teaching assistants. You have addressed this successfully. Teaching assistants play a key role in developing pupil’s language skills in particular.
- Leaders have ensured that safeguarding processes are thorough and fit for purpose.
- You have created a distinctive ethos within the school. You have secured an exceptional commitment from staff to meet the needs of pupils and their families.
- An individualised curriculum is carefully designed to remove barriers to learning.
- Transition to other schools is carefully managed.
- Staff are highly reflective about their practice. This has created an environment where the pursuit of excellence is the norm.